Message from Our Director
Raedan Institute is a non-profit organization whose mission, in general, is to promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in the charities Initiatives.”.
Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the various initiatives and programs assist the youth and the community in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. By espousing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty. The aim is also to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
Latest Blogs & News
“Empowering Learners: ACE and the Future of Competency-Based Education in the United Kingdom”
“Empowering Learners: ACE and the Future of Competency-Based Education in the United Kingdom”…
Redefining Education in the UK: The Rise of ACE and Competency-Based learning
Redefining Education in the UK: The Rise of ACE and Competency-Based Learning Introduction…
Small Steps, Big Gains: Exploring the Impact of Microlearning on Learning Efficiency in the UK
Small Steps, Big Gains: Exploring the Impact of Microlearning on Learning Efficiency in…
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What Our Community Says

I started as a project manager at Raedan Institute in September 2019, after lots of prompting and persuading from Amrin. I’ve built amazing relationships with a family of like minded people.
Joining RI has helped me to showcase my skills in STEM. It has given me the platform to transfer my love for STEM and be part of a process of developing critical thinking and problem solving skills in children, which are much needed in the future. It has been lovely experience seeing kids engaged in these workshops and getting creative in design concepts. It has given me the experience in co-hosting coffee morning and given me the opportunity to meet new people. Working along-side colleagues, I have been able to take-part in lots of different events. This is developing my resilience in handling new situations. Running weekly workshops means that I am getting an opportunity to develop my skills in planning, risk assessment and evaluations. On the whole, its been a great learning experience.
Loughborough Homeless and foodpack project
We are fortunate that we have a lovely garden and we have each other, so very many folk are on their own and having to shield and rely on parcels like the one you gave us.
Robin and Eileen Bangerter
We were so surprised and delighted to receive your lovely parcel. It arrived with our medications. My husband has sent you a donation with very many thanks. It was lovely to be thought of. I have been shielding since March and my husband with me. Your kindness made me cry, I was really moved.
Farhia Ali
Assalaamoalaiykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I feel Ma sha’ Allah changing, motivating people, giving them hope, facing them the challenge, it makes me another person that’s how I describe. I feel like empowering, motivating, Ma sha’ Allah I feel like I’m in good environment and I think In sha Allah we can do a lot for the community and everybody who comes to the centre, they see something in for them, for everything. If you want your kids place, if you want adults somewhere you can have some knowledge, I think the centre is covering everything so for me I see positive thing happening in our community and I believe In sha Allah the future we can deliver good success together In sha Allah, and I feel with the blessings of Allah, we get the centre. Everything happened it happened for a reason, Allah gives us the option and he opened that door for homeschooling, for motivating, for adults learning new skills, so me I believe that the centre is good place for everybody.
Mariam Peerally
Jazakallah for offering such a great way to achieve further knowledge of on different topics. I felt like I have gained so much confidence from this training that can be implemented as from tomorrow.
Nazir Ali Osman
It has shown me many different ways to put the cut cones across and how to differentiate different levels between students and use different ways to teach.
Muhammed Bhalwami
I'm able to relate to Mr M. Sidat's structure. Everything is organised and documented which makes it easy to follow and understand.